
Halloween day I went to see Phantoms of the Orchestra in Raleigh, NC. It was designed for kids, but we (my brother, his girlfriend, and I) had a blast. The whole Orchestra was deck out like Zombies and other undead, and they walked or were drug (literally)  stiff legged onto the stage with instruments in had. While they played such wonderful and well known pieces as Night at Bald Mountain and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, two Mimes chased each other around stage. These are not the kind of mimes you want to murder, but wonderfully talented silent actors playing the parts of the haunter — a mischievous phantom and the haunted — a noodle headed band leader. We laughed our heads off. It was a great time. I spent


Halloween night playing board games with relative strangers, all my brother’s friends. It was a fun and odd. Cranium was over far too quickly, they decided Trivial Pursuit was too hard (I suspect that was the booze), so Apples to Apples was the game of the night. A little hard to play with strangers who are prone to give personal references preference over any manner of logic, but easily employed one’s self once its understood to be excepted — though it really isn’t as funny if no one is in on the joke with you. Didn’t matter though, no one was  really playing to win, and everyone was jovial. In fact instead of starting at any given number, we just played till we ran out of cards. It was a LONG game. But, a very good Halloween.


P.S. I hope the person who visited this place ( one of my many cyber homes) looking for Boondock Saints II in Columbus found and read something about Waiting For Columbus by Thomas Trofimuk and then of course I hope you found and enjoyed your movie. I want to see that film as well, but despite members of my tribe voting for it on the internet, I’m sure it will be a while.

App App who has and an App they love

I read an article in the most current New Scientist magazine about how smartphones, Apps in particular, are changing our lives. Like most magazine articles it gives a bunch of fancy examples and glosses over the stuff i find the most interesting. One point is the transfering some of our memory or cognative ablity to the phone. I do want to point that I’m typing this via an Iphone app that lacks spell check. Back to my point, i’ve an app that’s called Evernote — tag line is something like never forget anything. I syncs note between phone, home computer, and internet. Great! I can’t possibly forget the ideas saved there, mostly because I never commited them to memory in the first place.

How do y’all feel about your memory and your phone? ( Feel free to answer even if you don’t use an App. I don’t think I’ve remembered a phone number since I got myfirst cell.)

Looking for something different

I have a very long list of blogs in my Newz Crawler and more and more I find myself just glossing over the information. So in attempt to find new and different things, I’ve deleted the lot of them (that’s a lie — I kept the handful of people I know personally). Today is either the beginning of more free time or more random web surfing.